George Mines Travelling Fellowship

2025 George Mines Travelling Fellowship

The George Mines Travelling Fellowship will provide recognition and funding to outstanding Canadian arrhythmia specialists early in their careers, and provide a reliable supply of future Canadian leaders in this field. The Fellowship will support training abroad for Canadian Arrhythmia Fellows, with the intent of acquiring advanced academic arrhythmia clinical, research and/or educational skills. A total of $70,000 CND will be awarded for each Fellowship.


To be eligible for the Fellowship candidates must:

  1. be a member in good standing of the Canadian Heart Rhythm Society;
  2. be a permanent resident or citizen of Canada;
  3. be a physician who has or is training in a Canadian cardiology or cardiac arrhythmia program; and
  4. have arranged for a position in an academic training program outside of Canada. 

Additional Considerations

  1. Candidates will be eligible regardless of whether or not they hold advanced degrees in research or education.
  2. Clinical fellowships without a strong academic focus are not eligible.
  3. Preference will be given to fellows who have an offer of employment in a Canadian academic arrhythmia centre.

Application Procedures

  • A call for applications will go out to all CHRS members each year.
  • Applications must be received by March 15th.  
  • Application for Fellowship positions may be sought more than one year in advance.
  • Applications for renewal for a second year will be considered at the discretion of the George Mines Travelling Fellowship Review Committee. 

Please review the Submission Application Guidelines here prior to filling out the application form.

The 2025 call for applications is now closed. 


George Mines Travelling Fellowship Recipient History

2024    Andres Miranda-Arbodela (Kingston, ON)
2023    Adrian Petzl (Montréal, QC) 
2022    Praloy Chakraborty (Toronto, ON)
2021     Pavel Antiperovitch (London, ON)
2020    Thomas Roston (Vancouver, BC)
2019     Chris Cheung (Vancouver, BC)
2018     Martin Aguilar (Montréal, QC)
2017     Saman Rezazadeh (Calgary, AB)
2016    Julia Cadrin-Tourigny (Montréal, QC)
2015    Charles Dussault (Sherbrooke, QC)
2014    Jorge Wong (Windsor, ON) and Rafik Tadros (Montreal, QC)
2013    no recipient
2012    Jason Roberts (Ottawa, ON)
2011    Jaimie Manlucu (Ottawa, ON) 
2010    Katia Dyrda (Montréal, QC)